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Point to be remembered while programing in C++

Filed under: C++ Interview Questions on 2022-10-30 12:05:56
  • It is case sensitive, means it differentiates between uppercase letters and lowercase letters.
  • Program must be written in small letters only, so keep your caps lock always off.
  • All entered data is stored in variables. Variables are named memory locations. There are different types of variables, to be discussed in the subsequent topics.
  • All the variable must be declared before they are used. Declare all the variable in one place (can be declare anywhere in the program). Variable name must single word & start with a letter, can be followed by digits. For multiple words use under score(_) to join them. Give such a name to a variable so that it describes its use. Do not use any special characters like dot, comma, semicolon, star etc.
  • Program execution starts at the main function and it is from top to bottom.
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Vikram Tanwar     View Profile
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