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PHP Program for finding the frequency of numbers in given array

Filed under: PHP on 2022-11-15 10:58:49

This program is useful for finding how many times any number is placed in any array. Suppose we have an array with elements as follows: 

$a = array (54,85,92,54,16,92,48);

Output will be: 

54 occurs 2 times 

85 occurs 1 times 

92 occurs 2 times 

16 occurs 1 times 

48 occurs 1 times . 

// Initialize array of elements
$a = array (54,85,92,54,16,92,48);
//If array will store frequencies of element
$fr = array_fill(0, count($a), 0);
$check = -1;
for($i = 0; $i < count($a); $i++)
$count = 1;
for($j = $i+1; $j < count($a); $j++)
if($a[$i] == $a[$j]) // If duplicate element is found increment count
//To avoid counting same element again
$fr[$j] = $check;
if($fr[$i] != $check) //If element is not repeated count will be same
$fr[$i] =$count;
echo("The Array Elements are: ");
foreach( $a as $b )
echo $b."  ";
//Displays the frequency of each element in given array
echo (" frequency of given array elements: " );
for( $i = 0; $i < count($fr); $i++)
if($fr[$i] != $check)
echo( $a[$i] ." occurs " );
echo( $fr[$i]." times.");
echo(" ");
return 0;


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