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Disease and symptoms

Filed under: Biology on 2021-06-05 13:51:56
The spores of the fungi, namely Aspergillus fumigates reaches the lungs of the human and constitutes a net like formation, thus, obstructs the function of lungs.
This is a infection disease.

Athlete’s foot:
This disease is caused by the fungi namely 

Tenia Pedes.
This is a infection disease of skin which spreads mainly due to the cracking of feet. 

This disease is caused by the fungi namely 

Acarus scabies.
In this disease the skin itches and white spots found on the skin. Baldness:

This is caused by the fungi namely Taenia capitis. Due to this hair of the head falls. 

This disease spreads through the fungi namely Trycophyton Lerucosum.

This is a infections disease. Round red spot found on the skin.
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Kartik Sharma     View Profile
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