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-9) In which country is 'Takla Makan' desert situated?

(A) Kazakhstan
(B) Turkmenistan
(C) Uzbekistan
(D) China
Correct Answer - Option (D)

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-8) Which of the following influence the erosion of soil by water?
1. Slope of the land
2. Management practice like terracing
3. Soil salinity

(A) 1, 2 and 3
(B) 1 and 2
(C) 2 and 3
(D) 1 and 3
Correct Answer - Option (B)

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-7) Who among the following teachers were visited by Siddhartha Gautama in the quest of knowledge before his enlightment?

1. Alara Kalama
2. Udraka Ramaputra
3. Makkhali Gosala
4. Nigantha Nataputta
Indicate your answer from the codes given below: Codes:

(A) 1 and 2
(B) 2 and 3
(C) 4 and 2
(D) 1 and 4
Correct Answer - Option (A)

Explanation :
Gautama studied under various teachers and followed their practices until he mastered them all. His first teacher was Alara Kalama who taught a form of meditation leading to an exalted form of absorption called "the state of no-thingness", a state without moral or cognitive dimension. Gautama saw this was not going to solve suffering, and continued his search. The next teacher was Udraka Ramaputra who taught him meditative absorption leading to "the state of neither perception nor non-perception". Again, Gautama realised this was not the state he was looking for. (Both Alara and Udraka are by some scholars considered to be Jain followers.)

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-6) The Jainas believe that Jainism is the outcome of the teachings of 24 tirthankaras. In the light of this statement, which one among the following is correct of Vardhamana Mahavira?

(A) He was not one of the 24 tirthankaras
(B) He was the first tirthankara and the founder of Jainism
(C) He was the 23rd tirthankara, the first 22 tirthankaras being considered legendary
(D) He was the last and 24th tirthankara, who was not considered as the founder of the new faith but as a reformer of the existing religious sect
Correct Answer - Option (D)

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-5) Who among the following was King of Magadha, at the time of Mahaparinirvana of Gautam Buddha?

(A) Chandragupta Maurya
(B) Bimbisara
(C) Udayi
(D) Ajatshatru
Correct Answer - Option (D)

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-4) In which language, did Mahavir Swami deliver his sermons?

(A) Ardha-Magadhi
(B) Sanskrit
(C) Suraseni
(D) Vaidarbhi
Correct Answer - Option (A)

Explanation :
Mahavir Swami delivered his first sermon in the language of the common people called Ardha Magadhi and Prakrit.

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-3) In which Jain council, Jain dharm was divided in Svetamber and Digamber?

(A) Second council
(B) First council
(C) Fourth council
(D) Third council
Correct Answer - Option (B)

Explanation :
The first Jain council (conference) of monks was held in Pataliputra about 160 years after Lord Mahavira’s nirvana. Monk Bhadrabahu, who had the knowledge of all 12 Angas, could not be present at that meeting. The rest of the monks could compile only the first eleven Angas by recollection and thus, the twelfth Anga was lost. The monks from the South did not agree with this compilation, and the first split in Jainism started. Jains divided into two main groups, Svetambaras and Digambaras. Svetambara monks wore white clothes. Digambara monks did not wear any clothes at all.

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-2) Consider the following statements:

Assertion (A): Gautam Buddha spent the maximum number of rainy seasons of Saravasti
Reason (R): Prasenjit, the ruler of Kosala and Gautam Buddha were of the same age. Codes:

(A) A is false, but R is true
(B) A is true, but R is false
(C) Both A and R are true, but R is not the correct explanation of A.
(D) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
Correct Answer - Option (C)

Explanation :
It is believed that Buddha spent 25 rainy seasons in Sravasti of which 19 he spent in the Jetavana Monastery and six in the Pubbarama monastery. It is also the place where he gave the maximum number of discourses and instructions. Prasenjit, the Kosala king, was the contemporary of Gautama Buddha.

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-1) The Stupa site not connected with any incident of Buddha’s life is

(A) Sanchi
(B) Sarnath
(C) Bodhgaya
(D) Kushinagar
Correct Answer - Option (A)

Explanation :
Sanchi is the oldest extant Buddhist sanctuary. Although Buddha never visited the site during any of his former lives or during his earthly existence.

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0) Consider the following statements

1. The Jains believed that Mahavira had twenty-three predecessors.
2. Parshvanatha was the twenty-third Tirthankara.
3. Rishava was the immediate successor of Mahavira.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

(A) 2 and 3
(B) Only 2
(C) Only 3
(D) 1 and 2
Correct Answer - Option (D)

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