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Situation Reaction Test: Best Examples for SSB

Filed under: SSB on 2021-08-02 18:41:36
He and his friends were coming from the school on bicycles, his friend fell from the bicycle and his hand got fractured. He…………….

TT came to check his ticket but he found that his purse, containing the ticker and cash was pickpocketed. He…………….

How was traveling in a train and some people started arguing with one another. He…………….

He was sitting on the back seat of the bus and listening to music. His friends were sitting in the front of the bus. He saw one person started arguing with his friends. He…………….

His friend was in love with a girl and he came to know that the girl was cheating on his friend. He…………….

He was parking his new bike when a woman with whom his family had a fight started shouting at him and asked him not to park at that place. He…………….

He has gone to a religious place and he found beggars harassing a young foreigner. He…………….

His class teacher used to comment on his classmates and specially girls. He…………….

While he was having tea in a restaurant, some boys came up and started beating him. He…………….

He was entering his lane when he found out that a child was playing inside and even the windows were closed. He…………….

A function is to be organized in his school. On the last day the organizer has fallen sick. The principal asks him to take the charge. He…………….

Because of the financial difficulties, his parents find it difficult to provide him further education. He…………….

While returning to home after watching cinema at mid night, he found two people quarreling on the way. He…………….

While on the picnic one of the students suddenly fainted, He…………….

His friend came to borrow the book, she was preparing from, for his exam next morning. He…………….

He was going for an interview, but the bus broke down on the way, He…………….

In the cinema hall, where he is seeing the picture in last row, some bad elements are teasing a girl in the front row. He…………….

His final degree exams are starting tomorrow and he came to know that his aunt got heart attack. He…………….

He is going in a taxi to catch a train. The taxi moving ahead  of him throw out a person and runs away. He…………….

His marriage has been fixed but just one weak prior to the marriage the girl meets with an accident and losses her leg. He…………….

While watching a movie, the picture house catches fire. He…………….

In the SSB he finds that no one is talking to him. Today is the first day. He…………….

You are asked to look after a sick relative. You have to prepare for your examination as well. He…………….

While playing hockey match you were wounded by another player. You……………

His father wants him to prepare for IAS but he is interested towards CAT. He…………….
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Tina Singh     View Profile
Good looking people are not as they look from outside.