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Confusing SRTs with Answers for SSB

Filed under: SSB on 2021-07-19 11:06:49
SRT- You are in train & lost your purse with money. You…… ???
Ans- I will use the money which i kept safely in my luggage for emergency situation…and will file an FIR later.

SRT- In his train compartment, two gunmen force passengers to give their belongings. He……???
Ans- Those gunmen are nothing but RPF jawans checking up as a part of security.

SRT- You Got a Marriage Proposal from a Sexually Harassed Girl who is struggling For Justice?
Ans- I will politely let her know that I have gf and I am already committed to her and help her as much as i can in her fight against injustice.

SRT- You received an urgent order from your commander. But you feel that order passed on to you is wrong. You…..??
Ans- Trust on your commander order and obey.

SRT- You were standing in a ticket queue. There 2 persons with gun came from last and ask you to give them space .You ______?
Ans- They are police men for security. I would cooperate with them.

SRT- You went to bathroom. Saw a king cobra .No Stick nearby. Door closed? You ______?

Ans- Put the towel on it and quickly open the door and escape, inform others. Or
Invert the bucket on it to lock it. Inform others.

SRT- You are moving across the road on a scooter when you observe that two boys on a bike snatch a lady’s gold chain and ride away. You would …….??
Ans- I’ll follow them..note the no. then contact the police..Or
Follow them quickly, catch hold of them and retrieve the chain to return.

SRT- You find that the person whom you call your friend has been cheating you. What would you do ?
Ans- Let him realize his mistake n then make him feel guilty in his own eyes.

SRT- You are living in the college hostel. The dal served to you in the mess has a lot of stones. What would you do ?
Ans- Inform the mess maintenance department.

SRT- While travelling in a train, you notice a man from the coach behind yours fall off the train. You would……?
Ans- Pull the chain and inform the guard.

SRT- He has some other plans in life but his parents are forcing him to join Indian Defence Services. He….?
Ans- Sticks to his plan, makes his parents proud one day with his success.

Hope you enjoyed these SRTs. 
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Durgesh     View Profile
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