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What is a Class Variable?

Filed under: Java Interview Questions on 2024-10-25 15:25:09
A class variable in Java is a variable that is declared with the static keyword within a class. It is also known as a static variable. Here are some key characteristics and features of class variables:Key CharacteristicsShared Across All Instances: Class variables are shared among all instances (obj

Why do we need wrapper classes?

Filed under: Java Interview Questions on 2024-10-25 14:39:58
Wrapper classes in Java are used for several important reasons:Object Representation: Java is primarily an object-oriented programming language, and wrapper classes allow primitive data types (like int, char, double, etc.) to be treated as objects. This is necessary when you need to work with collec

Can we declare Pointer in Java?

Filed under: Java Interview Questions on 2024-10-25 14:36:45
In Java, you can't explicitly declare pointers like you do in languages such as C or C++. However, Java uses references, which are somewhat similar to pointers in that they refer to the memory location of an object.Here's a quick breakdown:References: When you create an object in Java, you use a ref