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Biology MCQ Questions with answers

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Learn Biology MCQs [Page 2 ]


Rakesh Yadav • 4.99K Points
Extraordinary Biology

Q) Which of the following disease is non-communicable in nature?

(A) Tuberculosis
(B) Chicken-pox
(C) Cholera
(D) Cancer
Correct Answer - Option (D)

A noncommunicable disease (NCD) is a medical condition or disease that is by definition non-infectious and non-transmissible among people. Eg. Cancer which is also called malignancy, is an abnormal growth of cells.

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Rakesh Yadav • 4.99K Points
Extraordinary Biology

Q) The right portion of human heart receives which type of blood?

(A) mixed
(B) impure
(C) Pure
(D) None of these
Correct Answer - Option (B)

The right portion receives blood (which is impure) from the body and pumps the same to the lungs for purification (oxygenation). The impure blood enters the heart from two large veins called the superior and inferior vena cava.

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Rakesh Yadav • 4.99K Points
Extraordinary Biology

Q) Minamata disease is a nervous disorder caused by eating fish, polluted with which of the following?

(A) Mercury
(B) Nickel
(C) Lead
(D) Iron
Correct Answer - Option (A)

Minamata disease is a poisoning disease that affects mainly the central nervous system and is caused by the consumption of large quantities of fish and shellfish living in Minamata Bay and its surroundings, the major causative agent being some sort of organic mercury compound.

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Rakesh Yadav • 4.99K Points
Extraordinary Biology

Q) In which of the following class can we put Adrenaline?

(A) Fat
(B) Hormone
(C) Enzyme
(D) Protein
Correct Answer - Option (B)

Adrenaline, also known as epinephrine, is a hormone, neurotransmitter, and medication. Adrenaline is normally produced by both the adrenal glands and certain neurons.

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Rakesh Yadav • 4.99K Points
Extraordinary Biology

Q) Which of the following is the result of the decrease in white blood cells?

(A) Decrease in Antibodies
(B) Increase in Antigens
(C) Increase in Antibodies
(D) No change
Correct Answer - Option (A)

A low white blood cell count usually is followed by decrease in number of antibodies. When your white blood cell count is low you may not have the usual signs and symptoms when developing an infection such as Redness, Swelling, Pus formation, Cough, Sputum, Nasal drainage and decrease in antibodies.

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