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Learn CIVIL SERVICES MCQs with answers [Page 10 of Department 44]


Kartik Sharma • 7.98K Points
Tutor III

91) Who led the revolt in 1857 in Bihar and defeated the British Army near Aara?

(A) Bahadur Shah Jafar
(B) Kunwar Singh
(C) Tatya Tope
(D) Mangal Pandey
Correct Answer - Option (B)

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Kartik Sharma • 7.98K Points
Tutor III

92) Who wrote famous thesis entitled ‘South India in 1857: war of Independence’:

(A) J K Hikki
(B) K M Pannikar
(C) M G Ranade
(D) V.D. Savarkar
Correct Answer - Option (D)

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Kartik Sharma • 7.98K Points
Tutor III

93) Who has written about the revolt of 1857- ‘this was an eruption of social volcano’ where many spent forces found vent. After the vent the whole social topography has changed. The scars of rebellion remained deep and shining?”

(A) Brahma Datt
(B) V. D. Savarkar
(C) Dr. Gopal
(D) Ashok Mehta
Correct Answer - Option (D)

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Kartik Sharma • 7.98K Points
Tutor III

94) Which Act may be regarded as the beginning of representative system in modern India?

(A) The Indian councils Act 1861
(B) Government of India Act 1918
(C) Government of India Act 1925
(D) Government of India Act 1935
Correct Answer - Option (A)

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Kartik Sharma • 7.98K Points
Tutor III

95) By which Act may be the British parliament did Queen Victoria assume the title of ‘the Empress of India’ to emphasize British sovereignty over the whole of British provinces in India and Indian states?

(A) The Royal Titles Act 1866
(B) The Royal Titles Act 1870
(C) The Royal Titles Act 1876
(D) The Royal Titles Act 1886
Correct Answer - Option (C)

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Kartik Sharma • 7.98K Points
Tutor III

96) The Vernacular press Act as a safety valve against vernacular newspapers was passed by Lord Lytton on

(A) April 14, 1878
(B) March 14, 1878
(C) March 14, 1876
(D) March 14, 1870
Correct Answer - Option (B)

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Kirti • 10.14K Points
Tutor II

97) The Advantage of unitary system of governance is

(A) More adaptability
(B) Strong state
(C) More participation by the people
(D) Less chance of authoritarianism
Correct Answer - Option (B)

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Gopal Sharma • 17.50K Points
Tutor I

98) Apart from the Quit India Movement which started on 9th August 1942, what other sensational activity of the freedom fighters was done on 9th August?

(A) Salt Satyagraha
(B) Boycott of Simon Commission
(C) Champaran Satyagraha
(D) Kakori Mail train robbery
Correct Answer - Option (D)

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Gopal Sharma • 17.50K Points
Tutor I

100) 'Do or Die' (Karenge ya Marenge) Gandhiji gave this Mantra to the nation on the eve of which mass movement?

(A) Rowlatt Satyagraha
(B) Salt Satyagraha
(C) Quit India Movement
(D) Non-Cooperation Movement
Correct Answer - Option (C)

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