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Learn POLICE CONSTABLE MCQs with answers [Page 1 of Department 34]


Uday Singh • 7K Points
Tutor III

1) The sum of present ages of a father and his son is 8 years more than the present age of the mother. The mother is 22 years older than the son. What will be the age of the father after 4 years?

(A) 34 years
(B) 36 years
(C) 40 years
(D) 38 years
Correct Answer - Option (A)

Explanation :
Let present age of father , mother and son be x, y and z respectively Sum of present ages of father and son = (Mother's present age + 8 years) x + z = y + 8 years.................(i) Mother's present age = Son's present age + 22 years) ⇒ y = z + 22 years..............(ii) Put the value of y in equation (i) we get x + z = z + 22 + 8 x + z = z + 30 x = 30 years ∴ Father's present age = 30 years Age of father after four years = 30 + 4 = 34 years ∴ Required age of father = 34 years

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Rohan Raj • 6.53K Points
Tutor III

2) Battle of Panipat was fought in the year 1526 between Babur and__________

(A) Rana Sanga
(B) Muhammad Bin Tughlaq
(C) Hemu
(D) Ibrahim Lodi
Correct Answer - Option (D)

Explanation :
The First Battle of Panipat, on 21 April 1526, was fought between the invading forces of Babur and the Ibrahim Lodi Kingdom. It took place in north India and marked the beginning of the Mughal Empire and the end of the Delhi Sultanate.

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Rohan Raj • 6.53K Points
Tutor III

4) One word substitution for - 
A disease of mind causing an uncontrollable desire to steal

(A) Schizophrenia
(B) Claustrophobia
(C) Kleptomania
(D) Megalomania
Correct Answer - Option (C)

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Rohan Raj • 6.53K Points
Tutor III

5) One word substitution for - 
One who sacrifices his life for a cause

(A) Patriot
(B) Martyr
(C) Revolutionary
(D) Soldier
Correct Answer - Option (B)

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Rohan Raj • 6.53K Points
Tutor III

6) One word substitution for - 
A person who brings goods illegally into the country

(A) Importer
(B) Exporter
(C) Fraud
(D) Smuggler
Correct Answer - Option (D)

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Rohan Raj • 6.53K Points
Tutor III

7) One word substitution for - 
To take secretly in small quantities

(A) Robbery
(B) Pilferage
(C) Theft
(D) Defalcation
Correct Answer - Option (B)

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Ranjeet • 14.17K Points
Tutor II

10) Find the error part: 
(a) On the time /(b) of the opening ceremony of the theatre /(c) a large crowd had assembled /(d) No error

(A) A
(B) B
(C) C
(D) D
Correct Answer - Option (A)

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