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Learn SSC CGL MCQs with answers [Page 1 of Department 72]


Vishal Gupta • 7.73K Points
Tutor III

1) Statement 1: John runs faster than George
Statement 2: Tom runs faster than John
Statement 3: George runs faster than Tom

If statement 1 and statement 2 are true, statement 3 will be -

(A) true
(B) false
(C) uncertain
(D) None of the above
Correct Answer - Option (B)

Explanation :
According to the question, it is clear than Tom runs faster than both John and George. So, the third statement is false as it is stating that George is the fastest.

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Vishal Gupta • 7.73K Points
Tutor III

2) Statement 1: A is bigger than B but shorter than C
Statement 2: D is smaller than C and bigger than A
Statement 3: B is greater than D

If statement 1 and statement 2 are true, statement 3 will be -

(A) true
(B) false
(C) uncertain
(D) None of the above
Correct Answer - Option (B)

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Vishal Gupta • 7.73K Points
Tutor III

3) Arrange the following words in a meaningful sequence -
1. Frog
2. Grass
3. Grasshopper
4. Eagle
5. Snake

(A) 2, 3, 1, 5, 4
(B) 3, 2, 1, 4, 5
(C) 2, 1, 3, 4, 5
(D) 4, 5, 1, 3, 2
Correct Answer - Option (A)

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Vishal Gupta • 7.73K Points
Tutor III

4) Arrange the following words in a meaningful sequence -
1. Sun
2. Rain
3. Child
4. Rainbow
5. Happy

(A) 2, 1, 4, 3, 5
(B) 3, 2, 1, 4, 5
(C) 2, 1, 3, 4, 5
(D) 4, 5, 1, 3, 2
Correct Answer - Option (A)

Explanation :
The rain comes first, then Sun, and then the rainbow is formed in the sky. When a child sees the rainbow, he feels happy.

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Vishal Gupta • 7.73K Points
Tutor III

5) Arrange the following words in meaningful sequence
1. Plant
2. Seed
3. Dough
4. Bread
5. Grain

(A) 2, 1, 5, 3, 4
(B) 3, 2, 1, 4, 5
(C) 2, 1, 3, 4, 5
(D) 4, 5, 1, 3, 2
Correct Answer - Option (A)

Explanation :
A seed grows into a plant; a plant produces grains; grains are converted to flour; the dough is made from flour, and finally, bread is made from dough.

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Vishal Gupta • 7.73K Points
Tutor III

6) Marathon is to race as hibernation is to -

(A) winter
(B) summer
(C) sleep
(D) bear
Correct Answer - Option (C)

Explanation :
Marathon is a long-distance race, and hibernation is a deep sleep that helps animals like polar bears to survive the winters.

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Vishal Gupta • 7.73K Points
Tutor III

7) Hypsiphobia: Height :: Hylophobia: ?

(A) Forests
(B) Animals
(C) Water
(D) All of the above
Correct Answer - Option (A)

Explanation :
Hypsiphobia is the fear of heights, and hylophobia is the fear of forests.

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Vishal Gupta • 7.73K Points
Tutor III

9) Statement: It is suggested to put a child in school at the age of 4.


i) Schools do not admit children after the age of 4.
ii) At this age, the child is ready to learn new things

(A) Assumption 1 is true.
(B) Assumption 2 is true
(C) Both assumptions 1 and 2 are true
(D) Neither assumption 1 true nor assumption 2 true.
Correct Answer - Option (B)

Explanation :
According to the statement, a child is mentally and physically prepared to go to school. So, assumption II is implicit. The statement does not talk about admission after the age of 4, so assumption I is not implicit.

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Vishal Gupta • 7.73K Points
Tutor III

10) Statement: If it is easy to become a doctor, I don't want to be a doctor.

i) A candidate wants to be professional.
ii) One wants to achieve a thing which is hard-earned.

(A) Assumption 1 is true.
(B) Assumption 2 is true.
(C) Both assumptions 1 and 2 are true.
(D) Neither assumption 1 true nor assumption 2 true.
Correct Answer - Option (B)

Explanation :
The professional nature of the job is not mentioned. So, assumption (I) is not implicit. The statement shows that one wants to set a goal which is hard to achieve. So, assumption (II) is implicit.

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