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Yami Thakur • 9.03K Points
Tutor III

1) What is the correct ascending order for frequencies of the following radiations?
1. Visible
2. X-rays
3. Ultraviolet
4. Radio waves
Choose the Correct Option:

(A) 1,3, 2,4
(B) 3,2, 4.1
(C) 4,1, 3,2
(D) 4,3, 1,2
Correct Answer - Option (C)

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Yami Thakur • 9.03K Points
Tutor III

4) Cryogenic engines find applications in

(A) rocket technology
(B) frost-free refrigerators
(C) sub-marine propulsion
(D) researches in superconductivity
Correct Answer - Option (A)

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Yami Thakur • 9.03K Points
Tutor III

5) In a refrigerator cooling is produced by

(A) the ice which deposits on the freezer
(B) the sudden expansion of a compressed gas
(C) The evaporation of a volatile liquid
(D) None of the above
Correct Answer - Option (C)

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Yami Thakur • 9.03K Points
Tutor III

6) The following processes take place during the launching of a rocket
1. Rocket fuel is burnt
2. Gases are produced
3. Rocket moves in the forward direction
4. Gases come out with momentum in backward direction
The correct sequential order in which the above processes occur is

(A) 1,2, 3,4
(B) 1,3, 2,4
(C) 1,2, 4,3
(D) 1,3, 4,2
Correct Answer - Option (C)

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Yami Thakur • 9.03K Points
Tutor III

8) Recoil of gun is an example of

(A) conservation of mass
(B) conservation by energy
(C) conversion of PE into KE
(D) conservation of linear momentum
Correct Answer - Option (D)

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Yami Thakur • 9.03K Points
Tutor III

9) The following are some great discoveries in Physics
1. X-rays
2. Theory of relativity
3. Superconductivity
4. Raman effect
The chronological order in which they were discovered is

(A) 1,2, 3,4
(B) 1,2, 4,3
(C) 1,3, 2,4
(D) 4,1, 2,3
Correct Answer - Option (A)

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Yami Thakur • 9.03K Points
Tutor III

10) Who is the recipient of Nobel Prize for the development of wireless Telegraphy?

(A) JJ Thomson
(B) Kamerlingh Ones
(C) Samuel Morse
(D) Marconi
Correct Answer - Option (D)

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