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Lalit Singh • 4.06K Points

Q) Who is the author of Vikramakacharita?

(A) Ravi Kirti
(B) Mangalesa
(C) Bana
(D) Bilhana
Correct Answer - Option (D)

Bilhana was an 11th-century Kashmiri poet. He is known for his love poem, the Caurapancasika. Bilhana left his homeland in search of fame and fortune. He wandered through Mathura, Kanuj, Prayaga, Varanasi, Somnath, Kalylan and Rameswaram but luck eluded him. But while trekking back through Kalyan, Western Chalukya Empire King Vikramaditya VI appointed him as Vidyapathi. Bilhana rewarded his patron by composing in his honor an epic Vikramankadevacharita. Bilhana is from the period of time when Sanskrit continued to be the language of literature, and is a very important poet of Kashmir from the Medieval period of Indian literature.

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Lalit Singh • 4.06K Points

Q) Which of the following is incorrectly matched (in Gupta administration)?

(A) Bhukti - province
(B) Vishya - state
(C) Vithika - city
(D) Gram - village
Correct Answer - Option (B)

A Vishya was headed by Ayuktas or Vishyapatis. Vishya is related to district.

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Lalit Singh • 4.06K Points

Q) The most famous Chera ruler was

(A) Udiyanjeral
(B) Nedunjeraladan
(C) Senguttuvan
(D) Sengannan
Correct Answer - Option (C)

Senguttuvan Chera, identified with Vel Kelu Kuttuvan, the Imayavaramban, and the Kadal Pirakottiya, (c. 2nd century CE as per Gajabahu-Senguttuvan synchronism) was the most renowned ruler of the Chera dynasty in ancient south India.

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Lalit Singh • 4.06K Points

Q) The Vedic term vrihi stands for

(A) Cotton
(B) Wheat
(C) Rice
(D) Barley
Correct Answer - Option (C)

The word dhana, which, in Bengal at least, now means paddy or rice, implies in the Rig-Veda fried barley, which was used as food and offered to the gods. There is no allusion to rice (vrihi) in the Rig-Veda.

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Lalit Singh • 4.06K Points

Q) Vikram Shila University was founded by

(A) Chandra Gupta Maurya
(B) Kanishka
(C) Dharampala
(D) Pulakesin II
Correct Answer - Option (C)

Vikramashila was founded by Pāla king Dharmapala in the late 8th or early 9th century. It prospered for about four centuries before it was destroyed by Bakhtiyar Khilji along with the other major centres of Buddhism in India around 1193.

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Lalit Singh • 4.06K Points

Q) Most of the Chola temples were dedicated to

(A) Ganesh
(B) Shiva
(C) Durga
(D) Vishnu
Correct Answer - Option (B)

Aditya I worshipped Shiva, in whose honour he built several temples. Most of the Chola Temples are dedicated to Lord Shiva. The Great living Chola Temples (Brihadesvara Temple, Temple of Garigaikorida Cholapuram and the Arivateswara Temple) were built by Cholas during 11th and 12th century are dedicated to Lord Shiva and were declare the part of UNESCO World Heritage site in 1987.

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Lalit Singh • 4.06K Points

Q) Which of the following statement (s) is/are correct related with the Kautilya's Arthashastra?
I. Kautilya's Arthashastra is a book on statecraft was written in Gupta Period.
II. Arthashastra was written in the fourth century B.C. by Kautilya, from which it appeared a tradition of writing on and teaching of statecrafts because Kautilya acknowledges his debt to his predecessors in the field

(A) Only I
(B) Only II
(C) Both I & II
(D) None of the above
Correct Answer - Option (B)

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Lalit Singh • 4.06K Points

Q) Who among the following had written the 'Rajatarangini' which was the metrical legendary and historical chronicle of the north-western Indian subcontinent?

(A) Megasthenese
(B) Kalhana
(C) Al-Biruni
(D) Herodotus
Correct Answer - Option (B)

Rajatarangini is a metrical legendary and historical chronicle of the north-western Indian subcontinent, particularly the kings of Kashmir. It was written in Sanskrit by Kashmiri historian Kalhana in the 12th century CE.

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Ruchi Sharma • 9.84K Points
Tutor III

Q) Kalinga was situated between?

(A) Godavari & Krishna
(B) Mahanadi & Godavari
(C) Mahanadi & Krishna
(D) Krishna & Kaveri
Correct Answer - Option (B)

Kalinga is a historical region of India. It is generally defined as the eastern coastal region between the Mahanadi and the Godavari rivers, although its boundaries have fluctuated with the territory of its rulers. The core territory of Kalinga now encompasses a large part of Odisha and northern part of Andhra Pradesh.

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Ruchi Sharma • 9.84K Points
Tutor III

Q) Kanishka ruled from?

(A) Purushpur
(B) Alipur
(C) Indraprastha
(D) Prayag
Correct Answer - Option (A)

Kanishka came to rule an empire in Bactria extending from Turfan in the Tarim Basin to Pataliputra on the Gangetic plain. The main capital of his empire was located at Puruṣapura in Gandhara, with another major capital at Kapisa.

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