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Learn Economic MCQs [Page 5 of Department 9]


Ankit Singh • 5.81K Points
Tutor III

41) If all the banks in an economy are nationalized and converted into a monopoly bank, the total deposits

(A) will decrease
(B) will increase
(C) will neither increase nor decrease
(D) None of the above
Correct Answer - Option (C)

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Ankit Singh • 5.81K Points
Tutor III

43) The association of the rupee with pound sterling as the intervention currency was broken in

(A) 1990
(B) 1991
(C) 1992
(D) 1993
Correct Answer - Option (C)

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Ankit Singh • 5.81K Points
Tutor III

44) On which one of the following is the benefits received principle of taxation to achieve optimality bases?

(A) Marginal benefit received
(B) Total benefit received
(C) Average benefit received
(D) Ability to pay for the benefit
Correct Answer - Option (D)

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Rakesh Yadav • 4.99K Points

45) The main reason for low growth rate in India, inspite of high rate of saving and capital formation is:

(A) High capital/output ratio
(B) Low capital/output ratio
(C) High birth rate
(D) Low level of foreign investment
Correct Answer - Option (A)

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Rakesh Yadav • 4.99K Points

46) The situation ‘Liquidity trap’ refers to

(A) Because of price rate declination people wish to hold only cash
(B) People want to hold only cash because there is too much of liquidity in the economy
(C) The rate of interest is so low that no one wants to hold interest bearing assets and people wants to hold cash
(D) There is an excess of foreign exchange reserves in the economy leading to excess of money supply
Correct Answer - Option (C)

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Rakesh Yadav • 4.99K Points

47) The tax whose share in overall taxation revenue has gone up rapidly during the planning period is:

(A) Income tax
(B) Wealth tax
(C) Land revenue tax
(D) Tax on production
Correct Answer - Option (D)

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Rakesh Yadav • 4.99K Points

48) The most appropriate measure of a country’s economic growth is the:

(A) Per capita real income
(B) Net domestic product
(C) Gross domestic product
(D) None of the above
Correct Answer - Option (A)

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Rakesh Yadav • 4.99K Points

49) Value-added tax is:

(A) A special tax levied by states on products from other states
(B) Tax on final consumption collected at the consumption stage
(C) An ad valorem tax on final consumption collected at the manufacturing level
(D) An indirect tax on the domestic consumption of goods collected at all stages between production and the point of final sale
Correct Answer - Option (D)

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Rakesh Yadav • 4.99K Points

50) How does the consumer benefit with VAT ?

(A) With the abolition of the sales tax
(B) As compared to other taxes, there is a less chance of tax evasion. VAT minimizes tax evasion due to its catch-up effect. It reduces the cost of production
(C) Due to the exemption of small businesses from the tax within certain limits prescribed by the State
(D) None of these
Correct Answer - Option (B)

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