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Linux MCQs with answers Page - 5

Dear candidates you will find MCQ questions of Linux here. Learn these questions and prepare yourself for coming examinations and interviews. You can check the right answer of any question by clicking on any option or by clicking view answer button.
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Q. Suppose I am in /etc directoy, after executing cd .(single dot), where am I now?

(A) /etc
(B) /(root)
(C) /home
(D) None of these

Q. mv command can be used to ?

(A) Move the file to different directory.
(B) Renaming a file
(C) Both a and b.
(D) Only a.

Q. Which command is used to print the login shell of an user?

(A) echo $SHELL
(B) echo $LOGIN
(C) echo $LSHELL
(D) None of the Above

Q. which command is used to print the current working direcotry?

(A) pwd
(B) echo $PWD
(C) Both A and B
(D) Only A

Q. Which command is used to set terminal IO characteristic?

(A) tty
(B) ctty
(C) ptty
(D) sty

Q. Which option of ls command used to view file inode number

(A) –l
(B) -o
(C) –a
(D) –i

Q. Which directory contains all the files needed to boot the Linux system?

(A) /dev
(B) /boot
(C) /bin
(D) none

Q. Which of the following is not an editor?

(A) expr
(B) vi
(C) emacs
(D) ex


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