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Short note on Antarctic ice sheet

Filed under: Geography on 2021-06-06 08:08:33
Write a note on Antarctic ice sheet?

In the south polar region, the huge Antarctic ice sheet contains a maximum thickness of nearly 4300 meters.

It covers at area more than 13.9 million square kilometers about 12 times the area of India.

This huge volume off ice contains more than 90 percen

Differentiate between continental glaciers from valley glaciers

Filed under: Geography on 2021-06-06 08:07:37
Continental Glaciers: They are broad and extremely thick. They cover vast areas of land near the earth’s polar regions. Glaciers of this type build up at the center and slope outward to flow toward the sea in all directions.

Valley glaciers: They are long, narrow bodies of ice that fill high mo

End of the Swadeshi and Boycott Movements

Filed under: History on 2021-06-05 19:29:36
The British had seeded the seeds of communalism quite deep into India's social fabric, and the Swadeshi movement was unable to gain support from the Muslim masses, especially the Muslim peasantry, which in large parts of Bengal was in an inverse class relationship with the Hindu zamindars.

By mid

Effects of Swadeshi and Boycott Movements

Filed under: History on 2021-06-05 19:29:14
1. The Swadeshi and boycott movements were India's first 20th century movements that encouraged mass participation in modern nationalist politics by a large section of society.

2. For the first time, women came out of their homes and joined processions and picketing of foreign-made goods shops.

Importance of Swadeshi and Boycott Movements

Filed under: History on 2021-06-05 19:27:50
Launched in the early 20th century, the Swadeshi movement was a direct consequence of the British India government's decision to partition Bengal. The two main goals of this movement were the use of Swadeshi goods and the boycott of foreign-made goods.

Before the Swadeshi movement was launched, p

Impact of the Non-Cooperation Movement

Filed under: History on 2021-06-05 19:12:19
Despite the failure of the Non - Cooperation Movement to achieve its primary goal of Swaraj, it has succeeded on many other counts highlighted below:
1. The National Congress has shown that it represents the country's majority opinion. It can not be charged with representing a ' microscopic mino

End of the Non-Cooperation Movement

Filed under: History on 2021-06-05 19:11:48
While in 1921 the Non - Cooperation Movement was in full steam, the masses were awakened from their slumber and the grass root workers of Congress, as well as the leadership, were asking Mahatma Gandhi to launch the next phase of mass civil disobedience.

Gandhi announced that massive civil disobe

Chauri Chaura Incident

Filed under: History on 2021-06-05 19:11:21
A Congress - Khilafat procession took place at Chauri Chaura in U.P. district of Gorakhpur on February 5, 1922. Irritated by some policemen's behavior, they were attacked by a crowd section. The police opened fire on the unarmed procession in retaliation. Instigated by this, the whole procession att