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Effects of Swadeshi and Boycott Movements

Filed under: History on 2021-06-05 19:29:14
1. The Swadeshi and boycott movements were India's first 20th century movements that encouraged mass participation in modern nationalist politics by a large section of society.

2. For the first time, women came out of their homes and joined processions and picketing of foreign-made goods shops.

3. The Swadeshi and boycott movements also changed the character of the Indian National Congress (INC) from being driven largely by moderates to the main agenda now being set by the ' Extremists ' who gave the Congress's 1906 Calcutta session's call for ' Swaraj ' or self - government.

4. The ideas of non - cooperation and passive resistance, successfully applied many years later by Mahatma Gandhi, found their origin in early 20th century Swadeshi and boycott movements.
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