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Learn Science MCQs [Page 3 ]


Vikash Gupta • 13.63K Points
Tutor II

Q) A convex lens and concave lens each having the same focal length of 25 cm, are put in contact to form a combination of lenses. The power (in dioptres) of the combination is :

(A) 25
(B) Zero
(C) Infinite
(D) 50
Correct Answer - Option (B)

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Vikash Gupta • 13.63K Points
Tutor II

Q) Which of the following shows that the Earth behaves as a magnet ?

(A) Repulsion between like poles
(B) Null points in the magnetic field of a bar magnet
(C) Attraction between unlike poles
(D) No existence of isolated magnetic poles
Correct Answer - Option (B)

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Vikash Gupta • 13.63K Points
Tutor II

Q) In the Davisson – Germer experiment if the incident beam consists of electrons, then the diffracted beam consists of :

(A) Protons
(B) Electrons
(C) α -particle
(D) Neutrons
Correct Answer - Option (B)

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Vikash Gupta • 13.63K Points
Tutor II

Q) Which of the following does not depict the correct link between technology and physics ?

(A) Nuclear reactor – nuclear fusion
(B) Electron microscope – wave nature of induction
(C) Electric generator – laws of electromagnetic induction
(D) Optical fibers – total ternal reflection of light
Correct Answer - Option (C)

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Vikash Gupta • 13.63K Points
Tutor II

Q) A small magnet of dipole moment M is kept on the arm of a deflection magnetometer sat in tan A position at a distance of 0.2 m. If the deflection is 60°, the value of M is (BH = 0.4 × 10-4 T)

(A) Zero
(B) 0.77 Am²
(C) 10.82 Am²
(D) None
Correct Answer - Option (B)

the right answer is 2.77Am^2 .

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Vikash Gupta • 13.63K Points
Tutor II

Q) A cyclotron is used to obtain a 2 meV beam of protons. The alternating potential difference applied between the dees has a peak value of 20 kV and its frequency is 5 MHz. The intensity of magnetic field to be applied for resonance will be:

(A) 0.0327 T
(B) 3.27 T
(C) 0.327 T
(D) None
Correct Answer - Option (C)

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Vikash Gupta • 13.63K Points
Tutor II

Q) What determines the charge that flows through a circuit due to the inducted emf?

(A) The total change in magnetic flux
(B) The final magnetic flux
(C) The initial magnetic flux
(D) The rate of change of magnetic flux
Correct Answer - Option (A)

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Praveen Singh • 16.63K Points
Tutor I

Q) Avalanche breakdown is due to :

(A) Collision of minority charge carrier
(B) DL thickness decrease
(C) Deflection layer thickness increase
(D) None of the above
Correct Answer - Option (A)

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Praveen Singh • 16.63K Points
Tutor I

Q) In Fraunhofer diffraction the centre of diffraction image is :

(A) Always dark
(B) Bright for large wavelength and dark low for low wavelength
(C) Sometime bright and sometime dark
(D) Always bright
Correct Answer - Option (D)

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