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Kalinga War Ancient History

Filed under: History Ancient History Satvahan Dynasty on 2021-06-23 20:13:28
# The Rock Edict XIII describes brightly the horrors and miseries of Kalinga war and its impact on Ashoka’s life.

# The Rock Edict XIII describes that one lakh people were killed in this war, several lakhs perished and a lakh and a half were taken prisoners.

#:These figures might be exaggerated, but it is clearly mentioned that this war had a devastating effect on the people of Kalinga. Likewise, this became the last battle fought by Ashoka.

# The panic of war completely changed the personality of Ashoka. He felt great regret for the killings of the war. He left the policy of aggression and adopted the policy for the welfare of people and animals.

# Ashoka sent ambassadors of peace to the Greek kingdoms in west Asia and several other countries.

# Ashoka did not pursue the policy of peace for the sake of peace and under all conditions.

# Rajjukas was a class of officers appointed within the empire not only for rewarding people, but also punishing them if required.
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