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Social life of Satvahan Dynasty

Filed under: History Ancient History Satvahan Dynasty on 2021-07-24 12:02:38
Varna and Ashrama systems continued to govern the society.

The society consisted of four Varnas, namely −

Vaishya, and

Dharmasastras described the duties, status, and occupations of all the four Varnas.

Over a period of time, there was great increase in the number of mixed Jatis (castes).

Manusmriti defines the origin of the numerous mixed (sankara) Varnas.

Anuloma was the marriage between the male of higher Varna and the female of lower Varna.

Pratiloma was the marriage between the male of lower Varna and the female of higher Varna.

The social status of a person born of Anuloma was higher than Partiloma and they followed their father's occupation.

According to the Buddhist texts, mixed castes resulted from organizations like guilds of people following different arts and crafts.

The Buddhist texts described that a Kshatriya working successively as a potter, basket-maker, reed-worker, garland-maker, and cook. Setthi (Vaisya) working as a tailor and a potter without loss of prestige in both cases.

Kshatriyas of the Sakya and Koliya clans cultivated their fields.

The Vasettha Sutta refers to Brahmans working as cultivators, craftsmen, messengers, and landlords.

The Jatakas mentioned that Brahman pursuing tillage, tending cattle, trade, hunting, carpentry, weaving, policing of caravans, archery, driving of carriages, and even snake charming.

Jatakas story tells that a Brahman peasant as a supremely pious man and even a Bodhisattva.

The gradual absorption of foreigners like Indo-Greek, Sakas, Yavanas, Kushanas, and Parthians into the Indian society was the most important development of this period.

The life of an individual man was divided into four stages. The stages are called as Ashramas.
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