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Stone Age Ancient History

Filed under: History Ancient History on 2021-06-09 13:08:09
The stone age is the prehistoric period, i.e., the period before the development of the script, therefore the main source of information for this period is the archaeological excavations. Robert Bruce Foote is the archaeologist who discovered the first palaeolithic tool in India, the Pallavaram handaxe.

On the basis of geological age, the type and technology of stone tools, and subsistence base, the Indian stone age is classified primarily into three types-

:- Palaeolithic age (old stone age): Period – 500,000 – 10,000 BCE
:- Mesolithic age (late stone age): Period – 10,000 – 6000 BCE
:- Neolithic age (new stone age): Period – 6000 – 1000 BCE
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