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Dear candidates you will find MCQ questions of Usability Engineering here. Learn these questions and prepare yourself for coming examinations and interviews. You can check the right answer of any question by clicking on any option or by clicking view answer button.


Mr. Dubey • 51.32K Points

Q. 81) Paper prototypes:

(A) . describe choices and results verbally
(B) it was the first use of the mouse.
(C) it used a pixel-based raster display
(D) all of the above.
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Mr. Dubey • 51.32K Points

Q. 82) Regarding Augment/NLS:

(A) it had the first practical implementation of hypertext links.
(B) it is used for usability benchmarking.
(C) it is an online between-groups experiment
(D) represents a particular type of user.
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Mr. Dubey • 51.32K Points

Q. 83) Concerning competitive analysis:

(A) . two groups of usability testers compare their results for the same interface.
(B) a group of test users conducts a formal experiment.
(C) a group of usability experts reviews a user interface according to a small set of general principles
(D) all of the above
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Mr. Dubey • 51.32K Points

Q. 84) In a heuristic evaluation:

(A) a group of usability experts judges an interface with a detailed checklist of guidelines.
(B) a larger number of test users is needed.
(C) a fully implemented system is required.
(D) all of the above
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Mr. Dubey • 51.32K Points

Q. 85) Regarding a formal experiment:

(A) objective measurements are made.
(B) cannot provide performance data.
(C) is a formative evaluation method.
(D) all of the above
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Mr. Dubey • 51.32K Points

Q. 86) Thinking aloud testing:

(A) slows down the user by about 17%
(B) is performed by a single evaluator, who walks through a typical task.
(C) focuses explicitly on learnability.
(D) not with action sequence
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Mr. Dubey • 51.32K Points

Q. 87) Cognitive Walkthrough:

(A) is a summative evaluation method.
(B) two users explore an interface together.
(C) nothing shows issue.
(D) a structured walkthrough discovers problems.
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Mr. Dubey • 51.32K Points

Q. 88) In a co-discovery test:

(A) the user works togther with the facilitator
(B) easy to repeat.
(C) can reach a wide subject group.
(D) all of the above
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Mr. Dubey • 51.32K Points

Q. 89) What are the pros (advantages) when using questionnaires as opposed to interviews?

(A) easy to analyse and compare.
(B) participants informed they do not have to take part if they do not want to
(C) participants fully informed of their right to withdraw from the investigation without consequences to them
(D) all of the above.
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Mr. Dubey • 51.32K Points

Q. 90) When conducting an investigation with human participants for research or commercial reasons, which provision(s) for consent must be made?

(A) approval of the research by a properly constituted ethics committee independent of the researchers.
(B) show that usability testing finds all known problems.
(C) show many teams found more problems than they chose to report.
(D) use the common industry format (cif) for usability reports.
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