Here is the information about Ajatasatru:: # Son of Bimbisara and Chellana. # He killed his father and became ruler. # Embraced Buddhism. # He convened the First Buddhist Council at Rajagriha just after the death of Buddha in 483 BCE. Read more on Buddhist Councils here. # Won wars against Kosala and Vaishali. Ajatashatru waged a war against Vaishali despite the fact that his mother was a Lichchhavi princess. It took him 16 long years to destroy Vaishali and add it to his empire. # He used a war engine to throw stones like catapults. He also possessed chariots to which maces were attached which facilitated mass killings. # The ruler of Avanti tried to invade Magadha and to thwart this danger Ajatashatru began the fortification of Rajgriha. However, the invasion did not materialise during his lifetime.