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Mr. Dubey • 51.17K Points
Coach English

Q. She said, "I am sorry, I am not able to submit those papers".

(A) She said she was sorry, she is not able to submit those papers.
(B) She said that she was sorry and she will not be able to submit those papers.
(C) She apologized for not being able to submit those papers.
(D) She exclaimed with sorrow that she was sorry and she will not be able to submit those papers.


Mr. Dubey • 51.17K Points
Coach English

Q. Kannan said to Subha, "I'll return the book after I have read it."

(A) Kannan told Subha that he will return the book after he has read it.
(B) Kannan told Subha that he would return the book after he has read it.
(C) Kannan told Subha that he will return the book after he read it.
(D) Kannan told Subha that he would return the book after he had read it.


Mr. Dubey • 51.17K Points
Coach English

Q. I said to her, "Do you know how to dance?"

(A) I asked her if she does know dancing.
(B) I asked her if she had known how to dance.
(C) I asked her if she was known how to dance.
(D) I asked her if she knew how to dance.


Mr. Dubey • 51.17K Points
Coach English

Q. Radha said that the manager would go to Bombay the next day.

(A) Radha said, "Our manager will go to Bombay tomorrow."
(B) Radha said, "Our manager will be going to Bombay the next day."
(C) Radha said, "Our manager might be going to Bombay the next day."
(D) Radha said, "Our manager might go to Bombay tomorrow."


Mr. Dubey • 51.17K Points
Coach English

Q. The teacher said to me, "What is your name?"

(A) The teacher told me what my name was.
(B) The teacher asked me what my name was.
(C) The teacher asked me what my name is.
(D) The teacher asked me what was my name.


Mr. Dubey • 51.17K Points
Coach English

Q. "Call the first witness," said the judge.

(A) The judge ordered that the first witness be called.
(B) The judge asked them to call the first witness.
(C) The judge requested them to call the first witness.
(D) The judge said to them to call the first witness.


Mr. Dubey • 51.17K Points
Coach English

Q. The ox asked the dog not to sit there.

(A) The ox said to the dog, "Not to sit here."
(B) The ox said to the dog,"Do not sit here."
(C) The ox said to the dog, "Does not sit here."
(D) The ox said to the dog,"Did not sit here."


Mr. Dubey • 51.17K Points
Coach English

Q. Sandy said, "I have already written a letter to my family."

(A) Sandy said that she had already written a letter to her family.
(B) Sandy said that she wrote a letter to her family.
(C) Sandy said that she was writing a letter her family.
(D) Sandy said that she will write a letter to her family.


Mr. Dubey • 51.17K Points
Coach English

Q. She said, "I will now take rest for sometime."

(A) She said that I would now take rest for some time.
(B) She said that she will then take rest for some time.
(C) She said that she would then take rest for some time.
(D) She said that he will then take rest for some time.


Mr. Dubey • 51.17K Points
Coach English

Q. Thomas said that he would meet Andy the following Monday and asked if 1 O'clock suited him.

(A) Thomas said to Andy, "I will meet you the next Monday. Will 1 O'clock suit you?"
(B) Thomas said to Andy, "Andy, I am going to meet you the following Monday. Does 1 O'clock suit you?"
(C) Thomas said to Andy,"Andy,I will have to meet you the following Monday. Is 1 O'clock suiting you?"
(D) Thomas said to Andy, "Andy, I would meet you the following Monday. Will 1 O'clock suit you?"

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