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Kirti • 10.32K Points
Tutor II Biology

Q. Octopus belongs to the class________

(A) Mollusca
(B) Cephalopoda
(C) Pelecypoda
(D) None of the above


Kirti • 10.32K Points
Tutor II Biology

Q. Which of the following hormones requires a cell surface receptor for its action?

(A) Adrenaline
(B) Progesterone
(C) Growth factors
(D) All of the above


Kirti • 10.32K Points
Tutor II Biology

Q. The hormone, also called the ligand is considered as_________

(A) First messenger
(B) The Second messenger
(C) Both (a) and (b)
(D) None of the above


Kirti • 10.32K Points
Tutor II Biology

Q. Which of the following statements is true about cell signaling?

(A) In multicellular organisms, cell communicate using hormones
(B) In unicellular organisms, cell communicate using extracellular signaling molecules
(C) In multicellular organisms, cell communicate using intracellular signaling molecules
(D) None of the above


Kirti • 10.32K Points
Tutor II Biology

Q. Which of the following is a cell surface receptor?

(A) Enzyme-linked receptors
(B) G protein-linked receptors
(C) Ion-channel linked receptors
(D) All of the above


Kirti • 10.32K Points
Tutor II Biology

Q. Which of the following statements is not true about G proteins?

(A) G proteins are involved in signal cascades
(B) G proteins become activated when bound to GDP
(C) Guanine nucleotides regulate G proteins
(D) None of the above


Kirti • 10.32K Points
Tutor II Biology

Q. Which of the following signaling molecules are used by simple nerve reflexes?

(A) Proteases
(B) Nitric oxides
(C) G proteins
(D) Neurotransmitters


Kirti • 10.32K Points
Tutor II Biology

Q. Steroids, a biologically active organic compound, are derived from ______.

(A) Hormones
(B) Chemicals
(C) Cholesterol
(D) Carbohydrates


Kirti • 10.32K Points
Tutor II Biology

Q. How many transmembrane alpha-helices are present in the G-protein coupled receptors?

(A) Two
(B) Four
(C) Five
(D) Seven


Kirti • 10.32K Points
Tutor II Biology

Q. Which of the following messenger molecules are derived from arachidonic acid?

(A) Steroids
(B) Corticoids
(C) Terpenoids
(D) Eicosanoids

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