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Top 15 Solved SRTs Situation Reaction Test for SSB

Filed under: SSB on 2021-06-13 17:31:44
Q.1. His sister’s marriage is fixed. His relative refused to give loan/money. He…
Ans. Raises money through the bank, performs the marriage, helps his parents and returns the loan              through Equated Monthly Installments.
Q.2. Marriage of your sister is fixed. He is not granted leave due to Administrative Inspection. He…
Ans. Inquires welfare telephonic, assist by raising sufficient funds and send money through online transfer, request brothers, sisters and relatives to ensure that marriage ceremony is performed to the best of the ability. He will visit his sister on getting leave.
Q.3. Bharat Bandh is likely to be declared while you are on leave. Your leave is to be finished after two days of commencement of Bandh. He…
Ans. Get In touch with the unit via telephone, in view of Bharat Bandh, leaves his house in sufficient time so that he is not late for duty.
Q.4. In a train journey, at mid-night certain sound disturbed your sleep. On being woken up, you found someone trying to steal through the window. He…
Ans. Immediately get up. Raise alarm, catch the intruder by hand, pull the chain apprehend the culprit and handing over the police.
Q.5. He is going to attend an important meeting and he is already getting late. Suddenly the road is blocked due to traffic jam. He…
Ans. Gets down from the vehicle, runs the distance, clears the traffic jam, take alternative means of communication and attend the important meeting in time.
Q.6. You have to go for patrolling duty in field. Your driver is having high fever. He…
Ans. Give medication to the driver suffering from high fever, take to wheels and drive the vehicle personally and conduct the patrolling.
Q.7. You as a player of football team required to play the match. Suddenly, on the day of match you have high fever. But your team captain does not allow you to leave the game. He…
Ans. Take medication, lot of fluids, contribute his best to the team and maintains high moral spirits.
Q.8. You are required to go for patrolling at higher in high altitude area. You do not have coat parka. He…
Ans. Borrow from your friend, or use to jerseys underneath, make yourself comfortable and proceed for patrolling as per the laid down schedule.
Q.9. While returning to home after watching cinema at mid-night, you found two persons quarreling on the way. He…
Ans. Intervene, try to find the reason of quarrel, settle the issue amicably and proceed to your destination.
Q.10. You are required to dig trenches, but your colleagues are not co-operating with you. He…
Ans. Motivate your colleagues, ensure they realize the essentials of digging trenches, and contribute effectively.
Q.11. While working in the kitchen garden, rain starts. He…
Ans. Enjoy the rain, complete the entire task because rain is essential for development of plants and flowers.
Q.12. He is assigned a difficult task which he has not done earlier. He…
Ans. Learns the task through his friends develops interest, complete the task to the best of his ability irrespective o f the results.
Q.13. As a secretary of Student Union of his college. He will do the following…
Ans. Ensure high standard of discipline, regular attendance by the students, respects the teachers and the colleagues, and help the staff in imparting best of education to the students in the college.
Q.14. Which returning from market, three persons with knife stop him and ask him to handover his valuable possessions. He…
Ans. Tries to give resistance, if not, via telephone gets in touch with police helpline, gives the general direction of the three persons and tries to help the police in nabbing the culprits.
Q.15. While patrolling at unit man gate, a terrorist fired at his leg and bleeding started badly and he is snatching his rifle. He…
Ans. Raise and alarm, use his weapon in self-defence, over power the terrorist, catch and nab him and hand him over the authorities.
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Mr. Dubey     View Profile
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