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Learn Reasoning MCQs [Page 3 of Department 40]


Madhu • 11.92K Points
Tutor II

21) If Maya says, "Vaishali's father Vinayak is the only son of my fatherin-law, Vishwanath, "then how is Roopa, who is sister of Vaishali related to Vishwanath ?

(A) Wife
(B) Daughter
(C) Grand daughter
(D) Sister-in-law
Correct Answer - Option (A)

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Madhu • 11.92K Points
Tutor II

22) A prisoner introduced a boy who came to visit him to the jailor as “Brothers and sisters I have none, he is my father’s son’s son”. Who is the boy ?

(A) Nephew
(B) Son
(C) Uncle
(D) Cousin
Correct Answer - Option (B)

The son of prisoner’s father means the prisoner himself. Therefore, the boy is son of the prisoner

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Madhu • 11.92K Points
Tutor II

23) Pointing to a lady in a photograph, Meera said, “Her father’s only son’s wife is my mother-in-law”. How is Meera’s husband related to that lady in the photo ?

(A) Nephew
(B) Uncle
(C) Father
(D) Son
Correct Answer - Option (A)

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Madhu • 11.92K Points
Tutor II

24) Babita is Ajay’s wife and Chiranjiv is Divya’s father. If Ajay’s motherin-law is wife of Divya’s grandfather, then what is the relation of Babita with Chiranjiv’s wife ?

(A) Sister-in-law
(B) Sister
(C) Nephew
(D) Cousin
Correct Answer - Option (A)

Babita is wife of Ajay. Chiranjiv is father of Divya. Wife of Divya’s grandfather means grandmother of Divys. Grandmother of Divya is mother-in-law of Ajay. Therefore, Babita is daughter of Divya’s grandmother. Chiranjiv is the brother of Babita.

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Madhu • 11.92K Points
Tutor II

25) Pointing to a photograph, a person tells his friend, "She is the grand daughter of the elder brother of my father” How is the girl in the photograph related to his father?

(A) Sister-in-law
(B) Niece
(C) Sister
(D) Aunt
Correct Answer - Option (B)

Brother of father — Uncle; Uncle's grand daughter — daughter of uncle's son — daughter of cousin — niece.

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Shivam • 8.86K Points
Tutor III

29) Which word does NOT belong with the others?

(A) evaluate
(B) assess
(C) appraise
(D) instruct
Correct Answer - Option (D)

Evaluate, assess, and appraise are all synonyms; instruct does not mean the same thing.

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